NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Curiosity Chapter 11 Nature’s Treasures updated for academic session 2024-25 CBSE and state boards. Get here the question answers and activities given in new addition textbook of 6th Science.

Nature’s Treasures

Class 6 Science Chapter 11 begins with Bhoomi and Surya visiting their grandmother, Ajji, in a village on the edge of a forest in the Western Ghats. Ajji tells them about the treasures of nature around them, such as fresh air, fertile soil, and plenty of sunlight. These elements support a variety of living beings and are essential for life. Ajji emphasizes the importance of nature in enriching our lives, providing food, shelter, and resources necessary for survival.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Curiosity Chapter 11 Nature’s Treasures

The Importance of Air
Ajji explains the crucial role of air in our survival. Air is a mixture of gases, primarily nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%). The chapter 11 discusses the necessity of oxygen for breathing and how air supports life. Activities like breathing exercises help students understand how our body needs oxygen to function. The chapter also explores how air can be felt through wind, which moves leaves and other objects​.

The Significance of Water

Water is another essential natural resource discussed in the chapter. Bhoomi and Surya learn about the various uses of water in daily life, such as drinking, cooking, bathing, and gardening. Ajji teaches them the importance of conserving water and preventing its wastage. The chapter 11 also introduces concepts like rainwater harvesting and the significance of freshwater sources, highlighting the need to use water judiciously.

Energy from the Sun

Class 6 Science chapter 11 highlights the Sun as the primary source of energy for all life on Earth. It discusses how sunlight helps plants make food through photosynthesis and provides heat and light necessary for various activities. Students learn about the uses of solar energy, such as in solar cookers and solar water heaters. The importance of the Sun in the energy cycle and its role in supporting life is emphasized.

The Role of Forests
Forests are described as vital ecosystems that support a diverse range of plants and animals. Ajji takes Bhoomi and Surya for a walk in the forest, where they learn about the different types of plants and the importance of not disturbing the natural habitat. The chapter explains the significance of forests in providing food and shelter to wildlife, and the need for conservation efforts like the Chipko movement and Van Mahotsav.

Soil, Rocks, and Minerals

Soil is formed by the disintegration of rocks over thousands of years, and it supports plant growth by providing necessary nutrients. The chapter 11 discusses different types of soil and their uses, such as in agriculture and construction. Rocks and minerals are also essential natural resources used in various applications, from building materials to tools. The importance of conserving these resources and using them responsibly is highlighted.

Class 6 Science Curiosity Chapter 11
Class 6 Science Curiosity Chapter 11 NCERT Solutions
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Class 6 Science Chapter 11